Work Experience

Golang and React Full Stack developer

Moneza Inc.

12/2020 - 09/2021

I worked at Moneza as a full stack developer to maintain our Golang microservices back-end and React front-end alongside some R programming for machine learning.

Freelance reverse engineering


09/2019 - present

My clients reach out to me to help them build libraries for services, to confirm software is malicious or not and to help them protect their own services against reverse engineers & hackers.

Repository maintainer


12/2016 - present

I have maintained a slew of repositories over the years and still do. These repositories are home to a few of my public projects, mostly about tools that I made either for my personal use or for a contract.

Python and NodeJS programmer

Autimm Chatbots

04/2016 - 12/2018

I owned this small business in which my role was to reverse engineer chat services and build highly specific chat bots that were for rent. The bots themselves were written in Python (2 & 3 at times), NodeJS and eventually Golang. I also had a website that was written in PHP to centralize my administration for the business which made it easier to manage and for customers to place orders.

Freelance PHP developer


03/2014 - 05/2016

I sold a lot of code and did a lot of small contracts (sometimes alone and sometimes in teams) but all this work was mainly back-end and always PHP & web related. This is where I first learned how to write REST API's and it made me want to program other kinds of software that used those API's.


High School Diploma

Einstein Lyceum Hoogvliet (Hoogvliet, The Netherlands)

06/2012 - 06/2017

I studied at HAVO level in The Netherlands and graduated as the highest scoring student of the HAVO that year. *The Dutch school system is split in three levels (from lowest to highest: vmbo, HAVO, VWO), HAVO translates to "senior general secondary school"


EF SET English certificate

05/2020 - present Certificate code: sHw2qR

Udacity Android Development Track


03/2019 - present

Certificate code: DAY6GKLP

Udacity Data analyst Track


03/2019 - present

Certificate code: PVTT5UDL

Anglia certificate of English ESOL international

Ascentis (UK)

07/2013 - present

I was awarded this certificate for passing the B2 CEFR level English examination at the age of 14.


Back-end development (Golang, PHP)


Front-end android dev. (Java, Kotlin)


Reverse engineering and analysis


Front-end Windows dev. (C# .NET)


Front-end web dev. (HTML, JS, CSS)


Contact Info

17/01/1999 (dd/mm/yyyy)
R.S.P Nurmohamed
+1 636-317-9053
St. Louis, MO, USA


In my "free time" I often find myself coding on personal projects (practice & passion projects) and reverse engineering apps I use because the only way to actually trust software is to fully understand everything it does especially if it communicates with external servers.
I also game from time to time, but it pales in comparison to the amount of coding and reverse engineering I do in my "free time".

* A lot of people insist that I don't have free time hence the quotes.